The Part Submission Warrant (PSW) summarizes the entire PPAP Package. A PSW is required for each part number unless otherwise stated by the customer. Get our free Part Submission Warrant template for Excel or as a fillable PDF.

It includes the following information:
Part Information
- Part Name: Engineering released finished item part name
- Customer Part Number(s): Engineering released finished item part number
- Engineering Drawing Change Level & Approval Date: Show change level and date for submission
- Additional Engineering Changes: Include all authorized engineering change documents and approval dates not yet incorporated on the drawing but which are incorporated in the part
- Shown on Drawing Number: The design record that specifies the customer part number being submitted
- Purchase Order Number
- Part weight: The actual weight of the part in kilograms to four significant places
- Engineering Change Level and Approval Date
Other information that may be included if applicable:
- Part Revision Level
- Tool Purchase
- Checking Aid Number: If one is used for dimensional inspection
Organization Manufacturing Information
- Organization Name and Code: The code assigned to the manufacturing location on the purchase order
- Organization Manufacturing Address: complete address of the location where the product was manufactured
Submission Information
- Customer Name/Division: Corporate name and division or operations group
- Contact Name
- Application: Enter the model year, vehicle name, or engine, transmission, etc.
Reason for Submission
Check the appropriate box:
- Initial Submission
- Engineering Change(s)
- Tooling: Transfer, Replacement, Refurbishment, or Additional
- Correction of Discrepancy
- Tooling Inactive > than 1 year
- Change to Optional Construction or Material
- Sub-Supplier or Material Source Change
- Change in Part Processing
- Parts Produced at Additional Location
- Other (specify details)
Requested Submission Level
Identify the submission level requested by your customer.
Level 1 - Part Submission Warrant (PSW) only
Level 2 - PSW with product samples and limited supporting data
Level 3 - PSW with product samples and complete supporting data
Level 4 - PSW and other requirements as defined by the customer
Level 5 - PSW with product samples and complete supporting data available for review at the supplier's manufacturing location
Learn more about PPAP submission levels.
- Explanation/Comments: Provide any explanatory details on the submission results, additional information may be attached as needed
- Contact information and signature of the responsible supplier official. After verifying that the results show conformance to all customer requirements and that all required documentation is available, person will approve the declaration and provide name, title, phone number, and email address.
Download our free PPAP template, or get just the part submission warrant below.