InspectionXpert Release Notes

Ideagen Quality Control Essentials 2.3.1

Written by James Meenan | Oct 1, 2024 3:16:54 PM

Here's what's new:

Introducing Auto-Ballooning!

Ideagen Quality Control Essentials now has the ability to automatically recognize part dimensions and notes.

Watch the video to find out more:


Here's how it works:

1) When adding your PDF, select the checkbox to enable auto ballooning for the project

2) While your drawing is being analyzed , you have the option to open the part to begin adding part information such as part number, default tolerances, etc.

You can also open a different part to continue editing while the auto-ballooning feature recognition process runs in the background.

When the feature recognition process is complete, you'll be notified in the application:

3) Choose the "Review Features" button to open the part and begin selecting features.  Recognized feature candidates will be indicated by a boundary box:

4) Select the features in the order in which you want balloons to be applied, and the recognized value will appear in the feature list:


5)  If a boundary box indicates that a feature was not completely recognized, you can switch to manual ballooning at any time to capture the feature manually, and then switch back to Auto ballooning to continue capturing features:

6)  When you've completed capturing features, just click the "Next" button to move on to editing and verifying your features:


Here's what else is new:

Resize balloon control

You can now resize balloons on selected pages of your drawing. There are now two buttons (Apply to this page / Apply to all pages) This update improves the performance of the User Interface and the consistency of the balloon size being applied across the page.

Default balloon position

The default balloon position has been updated so that balloons are now consistently placed close to your capture rectangle regardless of the size of the capture. Previously, if a capture rectangle was large,  the balloon was placed farther away from the capture which could cause the balloon to be partially or fully off the page.

Part Navigation workflow

  • As you navigate through the part creation workflow, you can now select the "Back" button to easily return to a previous step:


  • While you're capturing your part features, whether using auto-ballooning or manual capture, your screen space is now maximized by hiding the feature review / verification panel. Previously, the Feature Review / Verification panel would open automatically and would result in a  resizing of the drawing often resulting in incorrect capture placement and disruption to the user flow. When you've finished capturing, simply click the "Next" button to move on to feature review / verification panel:


Your parts will now open to the last completed step

If you close a part , and then later reopen it, you will automatically be returned to the last completed step.

Balloons / Capture Rectangles displaced on some PDF files

In some cases,  where an uploaded PDF contained an embedded Document Rotation, the balloons and capture rectangles where being displaced relative to where you originally drew them - or were being displaced in the exported Ballooned PDF. Now the balloons and capture rectangles behave consistently both within the application and for the exported PDF.

Empty capture rectangle behavior

We've fixed an issue where if the application attempted to process an empty capture rectangle ( i.e.  drawing a capture rectangle where there are no visible lines or text) caused an error and resulted in an unresponsive application.

Part Number field is now mandatory

When editing your part information in the Part Drawer, the part number field is now mandatory as indicated by the star symbol *